Kadans Science Partner
We partner with our clients from the earliest stages of a project’s planning journey, bringing essential infrastructure knowledge and utilities advice that can be relied on to unlock value. But as the team responsible for such a fundamental early design consideration, we contribute more than responsive advice. We marry infrastructure to value.
We untangle utilities and connections above and below ground, doing what it takes to identify and mitigate anything that may cause costly delays and disruption to the project.
We collaborate with design and statutory teams to maximise biodiversity and design integrity. Our work creates net zero and net positive places that operate effectively, supporting the progress of the wider development infrastructure.
We consider the generation of renewable energy – whether aggregated roof mounted solar PV, heat pumps, or engineered/virtual off-site generation to go beyond compliance and provide affordable supply to landlords, tenants and wider communities – as well as enhancing developer return on investment.
We plan design and procure electrically led smart grids and heat networks to allow communities to generate, store, and share energy. We can ensure a controlled interface with the grid to provide affordable and accessible energy for heat, power and transport – as well as future Vehicle-to-Grid and green hydrogen technologies.
We undertake zero-carbon masterplanning to reduce whole life carbon emissions associated with grey and black infrastructure and increase blue and green infrastructure with net positive outcomes for all.
We can develop net zero carbon and net carbon positive outcomes as part of a wider Net Positive Places proposition. This proposition delivers enhanced environmental and health outcomes including biodiversity, micro and future mobility solutions, air quality,acoustics, micro-climates and thermal comfort.
Located on the site of the former Barking Power Station (a 180 hectare brownfield site with 2km of river frontage), this development is one of the UK’s largest urban regeneration projects and includes a £263million rail extension within its boundary. The masterplan aims to provide over 10,000 new residential homes (Stages 2, 3 and 4 contain 9,484 new homes, a new District Centre, new Neighbourhood Centres, a Port Quarter, leisure facilities, shops and restaurants; effectively 65,000 m2 of commercial space). The whole development will transform a former industrial part of east London and shift the centre of London eastwards.
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Utilities & Infrastructure planning