Barwa Bank
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You have several options if you would like to report suspected or known wrongdoing relating to the law, or to the policies or values of Hilson Moran and the wider Tyréns Group.
Primarily, you are encouraged to report known or suspected wrongdoing to a manager or a manager’s manager. If you prefer, speak to someone in the Human Resources or Legal departments instead. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you may report suspected or known wrongdoing through any of the channels listed below. You may report confidentially and anonymously.
Whistleblowing is part of our push for Hilson Moran and the wider Tyréns Group to uphold strong values and ethics. It enables us to raise concerns about wrongdoing when we are not comfortable using other channels.
The whistleblowing system is intended for the reporting of suspected or known instances of wrongdoing that are:
Whistleblowing should not be used for:
You do not need to have firm evidence for expressing a suspicion, as long as it is done in good faith, that is, with the sincere intention of being fair, open, and honest.
Deliberately reporting false or malicious information constitutes an abuse of the whistleblowing process.
If you feel uncomfortable reporting a known or suspected instance of wrongdoing to a Director, the Legal Director or, Human Resources, you may use any of the channels below.
These channels are the ones available at Tyréns Group level. Reports are received by Lars Björklund, who is an independent receiver of whistleblowing reports. As an independent receiver, he is not employed by the Tyréns Group and he reports to the board of directors of Tyréns Group.
As a whistleblower, you are protected
You can choose to be anonymous and your identity will not be disclosed, unless:
It is expressly not allowed to attempt to identify a whistleblower.
As a whistleblower, you are also protected by a non-retaliation principle. Any negative consequences to you, as a consequence of reporting wrongdoing in good faith, is considered a serious offence and could lead to sanctions, including disciplinary action or termination of the business relationship.
After your report has been received, it will be evaluated and managed according to a set process. If the evaluation shows that there could be merit to your report, it will be investigated.
You can contact the receiver in question for information about the case.
When the process is complete, you will be contacted by the receiver and notified about the conclusions and results from your report, without details or information that may compromise the integrity of the investigation.
If you have any queries in relation to our site or receive any suspicious communication from someone claiming to work for or be associated with Hilson Moran Partnership or its subsidiaries or suspect any misuse of our site please report the incident to the Hilson Moran Partnership Ltd, Hay’s Galleria, Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Ln, London SE1 2HP